PY Magazine Issue 55 “The First Step to Engagement: Employee Researches

Employee Survey Method
It would not be correct to talk about a single method in Employee Loyalty and Motivation measurements. The questionnaire method, which we call the quantitative research technique, and one-to-one interviews, focus groups and workshops, which are among the qualitative research techniques, are used as a mixed technique in measurement. Each technique has the ability to receive feedback from employees in different details. Considering the large number of employees in companies, it will not be right to conduct face-to-face interviews with all employees in terms of using resources (time, money, etc.) meaningfully. In addition, the survey method will make it possible to follow the company's satisfaction, loyalty and motivation values numerically, making it possible to periodically monitor the employee's pulse of the company and take necessary precautions. Therefore, it will be much faster and more economical to measure the general pulse of the company and to reveal the common expectations of the employees with advanced analysis techniques. The survey should actually be treated only as a start. According to the results of the survey, planning face-to-face interviews with certain positions, departments or seniority groups where the need for improvement is high will be of great benefit in revealing the special needs areas in depth. The face-to-face interview technique to be used should be determined according to the nature of the determined groups (upper-middle level managers, experts, workers, etc.). While one-on-one meetings are more effective at the Upper-Middle Level, workshops that allow white-collar employees to plan their actions and do group work, and focus groups that encourage more employees to talk about blue-collar employees should be preferred.
Receiving Sincere Opinions of Employees:
It is extremely critical to get the sincere and real opinions of the employees in all the methods used. On the basis of this, it should be ensured that this study is carried out by an expert and independent research institution. Employees will be less likely to express their opinions sincerely in institutions that conduct Employee Research in-house. Employees must be convinced that their views will be kept confidential and reported collectively. This, of course, is the primary task of the research institution. The method of the survey can be determined in accordance with the corporate culture of the company where the survey will be conducted. For example, instead of working online in a company that has experienced privacy concerns or specific events before, it would be much more appropriate for research consultants to gather the employees together and apply the questionnaires in print after making the necessary explanations, and to collect the completed questionnaires in a box and then take them away. Demographic questions to be asked in order to ensure the trust of the employees should also be carefully selected. Asking an employee about his/her position, department, seniority, age and gender at the end of the survey after saying that your results will be completely confidential will create distrust. In this case, "to be the bulgur at home on the way to Damascus for rice." The proverb is very appropriate. In other words, when the company management is trying to determine different needs for each group, it becomes impossible to achieve any meaningful results due to the unrealistic answers of the employees. Ensuring that employees adopt the survey as a means of expressing opinions is also the top priority of the company management. This will only happen by sharing the survey results with the employees and explaining the actions taken/to be taken based on these results. Otherwise, employees who do not believe in the survey will show their reactions not only by giving insincere answers, but by not participating in the survey at all.
According to the results of the loyalty and motivation research conducted by Adisa Pin Research company with approximately 1700 employees across Turkey in October 2014; Company Management and Policies, Status (the reputation of the company and the status elements provided by the title), Work-Private Life Balance and Communication are among the issues that most affect the loyalty of white-collar employees in their companies. First Managers, Company Management and Salary-Social Rights are among the factors that most affect loyalty among blue-collar employees. Improvements to be made in these matters will increase the loyalty of blue-collar employees to their companies. Factors that increase motivation are Advancement/Career Opportunities, Meaning of Work, Responsibility and Sense of Achievement in the company for white-collar employees. In blue-collar employees, on the other hand, Development Opportunities (technical and personal development trainings) and Advancement Opportunities (having at least 2 levels where they can make a leap throughout their career) keep their motivation high and ensure productivity.