HR Magazine's 7th Employee Engagement Summit was held on March 21, 2017 with the sponsorship of Adisa Pin Research.

At the 7th Employee Engagement Summit of HR Magazine, we made a presentation on "Understanding Our Leaving Employees and Recognizing the Competition".
Company A, which has a widespread merchandising network in the retail sector and is in a leading position in its sector, requested a research from Pin Research to "Understand the Leaving Employees and Analyze the Competition" due to the inadequacy of the current exit interviews and the necessity of consolidation. Adisa Pin Research interviewed both current employees and employees who left the job within the last 2 years and found answers to the following questions.
At the end of the study, the following suggestions emerged with the contributions of Adisa Danışmanlık.
Adisa Pin Research has been the Official Sponsor of the HR Magazine Employee Engagement Summit for 2 years.