We Attended HR Magazine 3rd Employee Experience Summit
On February 12, 2019, at the 3rd Employee Experience Summit of HR Magazine, of which Adisa Pin is the official sponsor, we made a ...

Hüseyin Adanalı attended the Changing People Management Conference at Aydın University.
Adisa founder and manager Hüseyin Adanalı attended the "Sustainable University and Changing People Management" Conference held at ...

HR Magazine's 7th Employee Engagement Summit was held on March 21, 2017 with the sponsorship of Adisa Pin Research.
At the 7th Employee Engagement Summit of HR Magazine, we made a presentation on "Understanding Our Leaving Employees and Recognizi...

HR Magazine's 6th Employee Engagement Summit was held on March 10, 2016 with the sponsorship of Adisa Pin Research.
Adisa's Manager Hüseyin Adanalı made a presentation titled "Managers Are No Different From Employees".

Adisa Pin Research Attended 2016 HR Summit
As in previous years, we attended the Human Resources Summit held on 17-18 February this year, together with our Strategic Partner...

Adisa Pin Research Met with Human Resources Managers at 600Minutes Human Resources Event
Adisa Pin Research met with Human Resources managers at the Bosphorus Istanbul Hotel on January 28.

PY Magazine Issue 55 “The First Step to Engagement: Employee Researches
Employee Survey Method: It would not be correct to talk about a single method in Employee Loyalty and Motivation Measurements. The...

Adisa Pin Research's Interview Published in the 54th Issue of PY Magazine
Employee Survey Method: It would not be correct to talk about a single method in Employee Loyalty and Motivation Measurements. The...