Quantitative Research: Gaining Strategic Insights with Real Data
Quantitative research is carried out by applying different types of research online or offline for many target audiences. These researches aim to meet the information needs of companies aiming for real transformation. Thanks to quantitative research, it is possible to test the hypotheses obtained in qualitative research or to evaluate factual (real) data and perceptual (subjective) data together. This method provides rich and holistic data-driven insights.
Quantitative Research Methods and Application Areas
Quantitative research is generally used to collect data from large sample groups and these data are analyzed using statistical methods. The main methods by which research is carried out are:
CAWI (Computer-Assisted Web Interviewing): It is a method of collecting data through online surveys. Participants answer survey questions online. This method is ideal for reaching large audiences and collecting data quickly. Additionally, it is possible to make surveys more interesting with the use of visual and multimedia content.
CAPI (Computer-Assisted Personal Interviewing): It is a method of collecting data through face-to-face interviews. The interviewer meets with the participant one-on-one, asks the survey questions and records the answers digitally. This method is used to collect in-depth data and directly observe participants' reactions.
CATI (Computer-Assisted Telephone Interviewing): It is a method of collecting data through telephone interviews. The interviewer reaches the participant by phone, asks the survey questions and records the answers digitally. This method is suitable for reaching participants spread over large geographical areas and is time efficient.
Stages of Quantitative Research
Quantitative research consists of several carefully planned stages and is carried out by an expert team:
1. Research Design and Questionnaire Preparation: After the purpose and scope of the research are determined, the questionnaire is designed. At this stage, factors such as the target audience of the research, the nature of the questions and the length of the survey are taken into account. The expert team carefully selects the questions to ensure that participants find the survey meaningful and interesting.
2. Data Collection: The data collection process begins according to the determined method (CAWI, CAPI, CATI). Participants answer survey questions and these answers are recorded digitally. The data collection process is carried out with emphasis on participants' privacy and data security.
3. Data Analysis: The collected data is evaluated using statistical analysis techniques. At this stage, data cleaning, coding and analysis processes are carried out. Data is made meaningful by using statistical software and tools.
4. Reporting and Providing Insight: Analysis results are presented in the form of customized dashboards or reports. These reports are made understandable and usable by supporting visual and textual content. The expert team extracts strategic insights from the data obtained and presents them to customers.
Benefits of Quantitative Research
Quantitative research offers a wide range of applications in various fields and provides many benefits to businesses:
Decision Making Based on Real Data: Quantitative research provides insights based on real data obtained from large sample groups. This data helps businesses make strategic decisions and enables planning on a more solid basis.
Hypothesis Testing and Verification: Hypotheses put forward in qualitative research are tested and confirmed by quantitative research. This allows businesses to manage their marketing strategies, product development processes and customer relationships more effectively.
Comprehensive and Holistic Insights: Evaluating perceptual and factual data together provides richer and holistic insights. This helps businesses better understand customer needs and act accordingly.
Flexibility and Application Diversity: Different data collection methods such as CAWI, CAPI and CATI make it possible to reach various target audiences and meet different data collection needs. This flexibility allows quantitative research to have a wide range of applications.
Quantitative Approaches in Customer and Employee Research
Quantitative research is frequently used in both customer and employee research:
Customer Research: Quantitative methods are used to collect data on a variety of topics, such as customer demographics, purchasing behavior, satisfaction levels, and brand perceptions. This data plays an important role in developing customer segmentation, marketing strategies and customer satisfaction programs.
Employee Research: Quantitative research is conducted to collect data on issues such as employee satisfaction, loyalty, performance and talent management. This data is used to determine human resources strategies and manage employees more effectively.
In conclusion;
Quantitative research is an indispensable tool to meet the information needs of businesses and obtain strategic insights. These studies, based on real data, help businesses achieve their short-term and long-term goals. Meticulous planning and implementation of quantitative research increases the accuracy and usability of the data obtained. In this way, businesses can gain competitive advantage by making decisions based on more solid foundations.
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11 Aralık 2019, Çarşamba